Course Policies & Expectations
Make sure you consult the course outline/syllabus, Quercus and other course materials before submitting inquiries. Please also ensure course notifications are set to “on” in Quercus. Send all electronic communication for this course using your University of Toronto e-mail. We do not expect you to report to us when you will miss class. If you wish to report an absence for some reason, please only email your teaching assistant (i.e., the TA in charge of your tutorial). However, if you are or will be temporarily absent from your studies and need academic consideration for a missed academic obligation (e.g., test, quiz, paper), you can formally declare your absence in ACORN by using the ACORN Absence Declaration Tool.Classroom Environment
This is a hybrid course and students are expected to attend online sessions with their video on. If you are unable to turn on your video during class, please let your teaching assistant know. Close all other applications on the device you are using to access and participate in the course. Students are expected to behave in a professional and respectful manner in class, by arriving on time, not interrupting, and offering constructive comments and feedback.Group Work
Group assignments are generally assessed on a collective basis, meaning you receive the same grade as the rest of your group. However, if circumstances dictate - for example, if you or a teammate do not make collegial contributions to the group - we may choose to assess the assignment on an individual basis, meaning you may receive a different grade than the rest of your group. If group dynamics prove to be problematic, we may ask for peer grading by surveying groups.Use of Generative AI (e.g., ChatGPT)
The work you submit for assignments and quizzes must be your own. You may, however, use generative AI to support your work on assignments in the following ways:- To answer general questions about high-level concepts covered in this course or assignment
- To provide examples of the usage of the library's API
- To summarize information for your own understanding
- To correct English grammar
- To clean and correct your data
- To assist with understanding and debugging errors in code.
Extension Requests
If you foresee any problems meeting submission deadlines, please contact your teaching assistant as soon as possible. Extensions without penalty will be granted for reasons of accommodation, illness or emergencies when appropriate documentation is submitted to the instructor. A sign of professionalism is being able to plan and let your colleagues/supervisors know if you expect to have trouble meeting a deadline. We are here to help, but please reach out early, not the night before work is due!Copyright and Intellectual Property
Any lectures or seminars prepared by the instructor are considered by the University to be the instructor’s intellectual property covered by the Copyright Act, RSC 1985, c C-42. Course materials such as lecture slides and seminar presentations by other students in the course are made available to you for your own study purposes. These materials cannot be shared outside of the class or “published” in any way. You are expected to respect both the intellectual property of the instructor and the privacy of your fellow students. Posting recordings or slides to other websites without the instructor’s permission constitutes copyright infringement.Academic Integrity
Any test, paper or report submitted by you and that bears your name is presumed to be your own original work that has not previously been submitted for credit in another course, unless permission has been obtained from the instructors in all relevant courses. You may use words or ideas written by other individuals in publications, websites, or other sources, but only with proper attribution. If you are not clear about the expectations for completing an assignment or taking an exam, be sure to ask a course instructor. You should also keep in mind that as a member of the campus community you are expected to demonstrate integrity in all of your academic work and be evaluated on your own merits. The University of Toronto’s Code of Behaviour on Academic Matters outlines the behaviours that constitute academic dishonesty and the processes for addressing academic offences. The consequences of cheating and academic misconduct — including a formal discipline record and possible loss of future opportunities — are not worth the risks. All suspected cases of academic dishonesty will be investigated following procedures outlined in the Code of Behaviour on Academic Matters. If you have questions or concerns about what constitutes appropriate academic behaviour or appropriate research and citation methods, please reach out to the instructors.Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
The University of Toronto is committed to equity, human rights and respect for diversity. All members of the learning environment in this course should strive to create an atmosphere of mutual respect where all members of our community can express themselves, engage with each other, and respect one another’s differences. U of T does not condone discrimination or harassment against any persons or communities.Academic Accommodations
Accommodations due to illness or emergency: In order to receive academic accommodations, students will need to record absences through the Absence Declaration tool on ACORN (under the Profile and Settings menu).
Students with disabilities: The University provides academic accommodations for students with disabilities in accordance with the terms of the Ontario Human Rights Code. This occurs through a collaborative process that acknowledges a collective obligation to develop an accessible learning environment that both meets the needs of students and preserves the essential academic requirements of the University’s courses and programs. Students with diverse learning styles and needs are welcome in this course. If you have a disability that may require accommodations, please feel free to approach me and/or the Accessibility Services office.
Religious observances: The University provides reasonable accommodation of the needs of students who observe religious holy days other than those already accommodated by ordinary scheduling and statutory holidays. Students have a responsibility to alert members of the teaching staff in a timely fashion to upcoming religious observances and anticipated absences and instructors will make every reasonable effort to avoid scheduling tests, examinations or other compulsory activities at these times. Please reach out to your teaching assistants as early as possible to communicate any anticipated absences related to religious observances, and to discuss any possible related implications for course work.
Mental Health Statement
Supporting Mental Health in the U of T Community
As a student at U of T, you may experience circumstances and challenges that can affect your academic performance and/or reduce your ability to participate fully in daily activities. An important part of the University experience is learning how and when to ask for help. There is no wrong time to reach out, which is why there are resources available for every situation and every level of stress. Please take the time to inform yourself of available resources, including:- Mental Health
- Your College Registrar
- Student Mental Health Resource
- Safety & Support website
- Health and Wellness Centre
- Emergency support if you’re feeling distressed
- Additional mental health resources can also be found on the Geography website
Other Student Services and Support Resources
- Accessibility Services
- Academic Success Centre
- Mental Health Resources (Geography and Planning website)
- Links to Additional Student Services and Support Resources (general services and support for students, international student support, Health & Wellness, financial aid and professional development)